2024 Challenge Guide


Week Numbers for 2024

  1. Locked-room mystery 密室之谜
  2. Bibliosmia: A smelly book 嗅书狂:一本有味道的书
  3. More than 40 chapters 超过40章
  4. Lowercase letters on the spine 书脊上有小写字母
  5. Magical Realism 魔幻现实主义
  6. Women in STEM STEM领域的女性
  7. At least four different POV 至少四种不同的视角
  8. Features the ocean 以海洋为特色
  9. A character-driven novel 一部以人物为中心的小说
  10. Told in non-chronological order 不按时间顺序讲述
  11. Title starting with the letter “K” 标题以字母“K”开头
  12. Title starting with the letter “L” 标题以字母“L”开头
  13. An academic thriller 学术惊悚片
  14. A grieving character 哀悼的角色
  15. Part of a duology 二部曲的一部分
  16. An omniscient narrator 全知叙述者
  17. Nominated for The Booker Prize 获得布克奖提名
  18. An apostrophe in the title 标题中有撇号
  19. A buddy read 好友阅读
  20. A revenge story 复仇的故事
  21. Written by a ghostwriter 由代笔作家撰写
  22. A plot similar to another book 与另一本书相似的情节
  23. The other book with the similar plot 另一本情节相似的书
  24. A cover without people on it 没有人的封面
  25. An author “everyone” has read except you 除你之外“每个人”都读过的作者
  26. Hybrid genre 混合流派
  27. By a neurodivergent author 神经分歧(多样)作者
  28. A yellow spine 黄色的书脊
  29. Published in a Year of the Dragon 出版于龙年
  30. Picked without reading the blurb 不阅读简介就选择
  31. Includes a personal phobia 包含个人恐惧症
  32. Timeframe spans a week or less 时间范围为一周或更短
  33. An abrupt ending 突然的结局
  34. Set in a landlocked country 以内陆国家为背景
  35. Title matches lyrics from a song 标题与一首歌的歌词匹配
  36. Has futuristic technology 拥有未来科技
  37. Palindrome on the cover 封面上有回文
  38. Published by Hachette 由阿歇特出版
  39. Non-fiction recommended by a friend 朋友推荐的非虚构作品
  40. Set during a holiday you don’t celebrate 发生在你不庆祝的节日期间
  41. A sticker on the cover 封面上有贴纸
  42. Author debut in second half of 2024 作者在2024年下半年首次出版
  43. About finding identity 关于寻找身份
  44. Includes a wedding 包含婚礼
  45. Chapter headings have dates 章节标题有日期
  46. Featuring Indigenous culture 以土著文化为特色
  47. Self-insert by an author 作者自我插入
  48. The word “secret” in the title 标题中有“秘密”
  49. Set in a city starting with the letter “M” 以字母“M”开头的城市为背景
  50. A musical instrument on the cover 封面上有乐器
  51. Related to the word “Wild” 与“野生”一词相关
  52. Published in 2024 2024年出版

